Both Feet In - Self Study Course

A women’s self-study program to process and release the stickiness around your heart, pull your other foot out the door, and trust yourself in relationships

This is our most in-depth self-study course for women experiencing relationship anxiety.

Our intentions are to:

  • help you release your relationship baggage and open your heart

  • see your partner clearly again

  • drop the “shoulds” causing you shame, doubt, and panic

  • feel confident in your decisions about your relationship.

  • re-establish polarity (so you can both feel more attraction without being inauthentic)

The course includes 22+ hours of video curriculum.

I’m gonna lay it all on the table here...

Relationship anxiety is pretty taboo to talk about.

If you say out loud you’re having doubts in your relationship, society and peers are quick to tell you that you must be doing something wrong. And maybe you should leave and not string the poor guy/gal along. 

And heck, I’m not here to convince you that you shouldn’t, if that’s what you want.

But I have a hunch that’s not why you’re here.

You’re here because you’ve got a partner you’re potentially serious about building a life with. Someone that sees your brilliance and your beautiful raw heart -- and just wants to love you — and you them. 

And yet…

… you can’t seem to pull your foot out the door…

It would feel liberating to be able to surrender and trust your decision to stay (or leave), without worrying you’re making a mistake, that you’re settling, or that you’ll find in 20 years this commitment was a huge mistake and you wasted all this time.

Hi, I’m Natalie, and I almost left my beloved Preston because I spent 7/10 of our years together wondering if I loved him enough, whether he was “The One,” or whether this relationship was “right.” I tried guilting and manipulating him into being a person he wasn’t so that I could attempt to create the perfect relationship.

Here we are at my mom’s wedding in 2019. On the surface— so happy and committed— but we had spent the evening prior staying up till 3 am crying because I wasn’t “sure” about us.

I felt “the ick” whenever my partner openly adored me but I also didn’t wanna leave (which led me to believe I was the worst partner EVER or that I must’ve just been too scared to be alone.).

I could not handle any possibility of it being the wrong one. So I single-handedly took something beautiful and unconsciously almost destroyed it.

I was teaching yoga and mindfulness, but behind the scenes, I was an anxious wreck -- and my overthinking brain latched onto the area of my life where I perceived I had the most to lose: my relationship.

We overthink because we care.

We nitpick because we’re afraid if we don’t, our partners won’t be the people we want them to be and that we’ll get our hearts shattered.

We push away because we’re terrified to be deeply, deeply seen, and witnessed… and maybe even to witness who our partners might actually be rather than our projection of who we think they are.

For a moment, let’s consider that your doubts have less to do with your partner than you might initially think, and more to do with unprocessed emotions, unaddressed and outdated belief systems on love, and a lack of self-trust within yourself.

Beliefs are like snow chains -- empowering for an icy, cold road, but not for a smooth, steady freeway...

You’re not a bad driver. Your car isn’t broken. You’re wearing snow chains on a road with no snow. You need to slow down, pull over, see the snow chains, take them off, and trust your car can drive again, smoothly, without snow chains on.

If you’ve got a devoted lover in front of you, and you believe you’re not worthy of deep love....  the road ahead is going to be bumpy, darling.

On the other side of relationship anxiety is a relationship that snowballs in its level of sacredness and satisfaction. You become more and more clear about yourself and why you choose what you choose. You get triggered less. You appreciate more. Your partner is weirdly fascinated by you and gives you loads of adoring attention without you having to guilt them or even ask for it. You can act like a drama queen and be unapologetic about it. You know how to sit quietly and drink in the delicate nature of a flower. How to shake the world with your grief and your rage. You are wild in partnership; safe and free. Embodied and wise.

If you’re ready to clear out your old beliefs and pains around love and intimacy, create closure from unresolved past relationships, and start making confident decisions in your relationship (and life) — Both Feet In is for you.

Included in Both Feet In:

  • 12 video course lectures with Natalie. This is the core curriculum that we teach to all of our coaching clients. These lectures were recorded straight from our 6 month Both Feet in group coaching program.

  • 6 video embodiments + meditations with Sheridan. These are supplementary practices to go along with the lectures.

  • PDFs and journal prompts to help you develop more self-awareness, discern what’s your inner work and what’s not, and take more ownership over your side of the street (and leave space for your partner to do their work, if you are in partnership)


Module 1: Birds Eye View 

Take inventory of stressors and transitions in your life contributing to the experience of anxiety, so you can consciously choose how to re-prioritize how you’ll be spending your time and energy in this program.

Module 2: The Art of Awareness 

Get laser clear at identifying what’s really going on inside -- so you can set the stage to alchemize it into artistic expression, using it as a tool to heal old repressed emotions.

Module 3: Life Story

Take inventory of the experiences you’ve been through, helping you erupt compassion for yourself and observe your outdated belief systems with love and a little push… to make space for new, empowering ones.

Module 4: Re-writing history

Learn how to take a painful memory (and the belief you absorbed as a result) and use your imagination to heal and re-create a new experience of that memory so it no longer holds power over you, releasing triggers one by one as they arise… so that you can embrace possibilities of love and trust instead of cowering in the memories of fear.

Module 5: Parts Work

Learn how to speak to and disarm anxiety without ignoring it or shaming it (two approaches that make anxiety stronger), and drop into tender, vulnerable emotions hidden underneath in a safe way.

Module 6: Projections, Transitions, and Change

What if your terrifying thoughts about your partner’s “not-enoughness” was really about you and not them? Learn to identify a projection and stop it in its tracks, as you bring your attention back to your own needs and inner experience.

Module 7: Nonviolent Communication

Learn to express your needs in a way that feels empowering and safe for you to give and for your partner to receive, and strengthen the likelihood your partner will naturally desire to meet them for you.

Module 8: Loving the Shadow

Notice your shadow aspects that show up in relationship: the needy little girl, the bitch, the endless rage, the slut, the brat, the narcissist, your spiritual ego, the manipulator... etc. Learn to love them. Knowing and owning all of yourself will set you free.

Module 9: Attachment Styles

Learn the different types of attachment styles and how they’re formed, and the medicinal inner and outer practices to move towards secure attachment.

Module 10: Masculine/Feminine Polarity: The Art of Drama

Take Nonviolent Communication up a notch and learn to use your body and your soft vulnerable heart as a vehicle to express your deepest needs to your partner -- so that you can embrace your inner drama queen and evoke your partner’s desire to gift you their reverence and attention.

Module 11: Parts Work - The Outer Piece

Many beliefs we develop about love were unconsciously handed to us without our consent. Learn how to dialogue with those that handed them to you, create resolve and forgiveness -- just for you… so that you can move forward with your own empowering narrative about yourself and your relationship.

Module 12: The Sensual Bad Bitch

Embody new sides of yourself that you don’t share with the world. Discover what it means to be alive without relying on your partner to turn you on, and take full accountability for your pleasure.

Your practitioners:

Natalie Kennedy is the founder and CEO of Anxious Love Coach. She is a relationship anxiety coach drawing from personal experience in the trenches of her beautiful relationship,  as well as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and certified Meditation and Yoga Teacher. 

She has spent thousands of hours working directly with hundreds of clients experiencing intense doubts in their relationships and helped them cross the other side.

Natalie lives in South America with her beloved husband, Preston.

Sheridan Ruth is a Relationship Anxiety Coach, Yoga Therapist, Meditation Teacher and Embodiment Practitioner.

Brought to these practices by her experience with alopecia (hair loss) and struggles with anxiety, she brings a deep understanding of grief, trauma and living with uncertainty, to her work.

She has worked extensively with clients on their own anxiety journeys, as well as overcome her own experience with relationship anxiety and committed joyfully in her relationship with her partner Andres through these very practices.

Sheridan has completed her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate in Power Yoga and Healing Sequence and completed a certificate in Yoga Therapy & Yoga Psychology, all while working as a yoga teacher, guiding women back to connection with their bodies and their selves. 


SO… are you ready to cut the BS and soften the tight walls around your heart?

Pricing: $397 one time payment or 2 monthly payments of $222

You don’t need to be single to find yourself… a deep knowing of your most profound truth sits inside your ravenous longing, my love.


Natalie and Sheridan



A: We pull from a mix of what’s worked in our personal experience as well as from our coaching, mindfulness, and embodiment training backgrounds. 

Our approaches use a combination of shadow work, inner child work, mindfulness and somatic processing techniques as taught under the lineage of Stefi Preiss, Christian Meyer and Eli Jaxon-Bear. We touch on Nonviolent Communication education by Marshall Rosenburg, polarity concepts inspired by David Deida, John Wineland, and Madelyn Moon, and the Change Triangle by Hilary Jacobs Hendel. Other teachers we’re inspired by: Teal Swan, Eckhart Tolle, Sheryl Paul, Chelsea Horton, Peter Levine, and Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk.



A: The work is, first and foremost, for you. A lot of this work is owning your shadow and therefore shifting how YOU show up, and evoking changes in your partner without their conscious knowing. If you are single, this work will help you clear out gunk and prepare you for your next relationship. It will also give you tools that will help you make decisions in dating. We believe everyone needs to know this information — in relationship or not.


A: One of the limitations/strengths of Anxious Love Coach’s philosophy is that we also address polarity principles, specifically masculine-feminine polarity. Both Feet In was designed for the feminine (yin) energetic pole of polarity, so while men are welcome to enroll, they may find limitations when we start moving towards polarity principles towards the end of the program (although having an understanding of the feminine may be very important to you, in which case, you’re welcome of course!). Sheridan will be offering a program open to men and non-binary very soon. We are also both occasionally open to taking 1:1 clients, and men are welcome to apply to work with us in those settings.


A: You have 48 hours after enrollment to explore the program. If it is not for you, and you have done at least 5 modules and can prove you did the practices (with notes and videos of you practicing), I will issue you a full refund.



A: Truly, you never know anything for sure, just like you never quite know where your relationships will land. An investment, whether it be in relationship or in a program like this, is always a risk. The same voice that questions your relationship, trying to protect you from disappointment and heartbreak, will often show up here, too. We invite you to question the black-and-white thinking of “this will either help me OR it won’t” and try this sentence on for size: “I am always expanding and learning, whether I am aware of it or not.” Also — the clients that do well in our programs are usually the ones that show up consistently and do the work. There is no program that will do the work for you. That said — if what we’re saying resonates with you, and you’re in a safe partnership or desiring to be able to enjoy one, what we’ve shared with you barely scratches the surface. We promise the approaches we use will be in alignment with what we’ve already shared on this page.


A: This sounds a lot like a question relationship anxiety would ask ;-) This isn’t a cut-and-dry answer. If you’ve got a partner that’s devoted to you, ready to commit and build a life with you, and can teach you about love, we believe it’s a partnership worth exploring as these patterns of fears of intimacy will show up no matter where you go. That said, we will point you to another question: what if you couldn’t do this wrong? What if this work still would apply to you no matter what you decide?


A: This is the number one fear people have — even above making an investment that’s a bust. We’ll also tell you this next to never happens (are you immediately thinking, “what do you mean, NEXT to never”????). There is no terrible side of you with some terrible truth or verdict. Just very activated parts of you acting out to get your attention. When you haven’t experienced a level of detachment from your thoughts before and accessed the realm of Self, every thought feels supremely true and you’re unable to trust otherwise. This work isn’t about forcing anything or discovering some terrible truth. I know it’s probably hard to believe, because the thoughts are so scary and convincing. But the healing work is actually so profound and beautiful, and it can even be fun! No matter what happens, you will be ok and ease is possible regardless of your external circumstances. Trust this.


A: Lots of recurring concepts, and new ones too! This program was recorded as part of a 6-month group program, and we were able to go MUCH DEEPER than in RAA and also explore topics with even more nuance and context– particularly around polarity.