Triggered to Truth

A self-study course to unpack your triggers in relationship, feel safe loving and being loved, and drop your unconscious relational patterns.

Led by Sheridan Ruth

While we might love pretending our relationships are as seamless-looking as that yoga couple on the internet, they can also be incredibly contradictory, confusing, and triggering on a visceral level.

If you oscillate between nitpicking, criticizing your partner, feeling disgusted with them, and then freezing out of shame and guilt…

You might have a dysregulated nervous system.


Hi, I’m Sheridan. I’m a yoga therapist with a focus on nervous system awareness and relationship anxiety coach here at ALC. 

In 2019 I threw my partner Andres out because he forgot to take out the rubbish – again.

I was swatting the flies buzzing around the empty food packages and my throat and chest were on fire with rage. Meanwhile, the internet was telling me to never settle – so I thought my only choice from that moment was to break up.  

We entered a cycle of breaking up and getting back together until I got my sh*t together and dealt with my crap.

In more politically correct terms :) ...

I learned the language of the nervous system.

I learned how to be with highly charged, triggering, confusing moments – without checking out, stifling my truth, closing my heart, or lashing out… even when my partner ordered a chicken sandwich instead of eating the soup I had so lovingly made and left out for him.

When you learn to take full ownership of your inner experience, you make space to heal, and free yourself from the projections which are operating at the roots of these unconscious relational patterns.

In essence, you remain grounded through what is usually a triggering event (such as your partner forgetting to follow through on what they said they would do).

You are able to share with your partner from a place of genuine concern, compassion, and curiosity, even if/when they get defensive.

You develop the integrity to maintain that stance (like holding a yoga pose) until your partner softens into your love, and they often end up responding in the way you’ve been desiring them to do all along.

I designed this program because after working with hundreds of clients with anxiety (and specifically relationship anxiety), I notice the same patterns over and over.

They get triggered by an event and don’t know how to manage it, which leads them down a spiral of relationship anxiety, rumination, and doubt – and eventually they either collapse in shame or deflect and attack their partners. 

If they were to just be able to manage their physiological experience in the moment, maintain an open heart (which is a skill that anyone can learn), and use this experience as a trailhead to their inner worlds, they would be able to alchemize these triggers into their greatest potential as lovers, as humans, and magical spiritual beings in the world.


In Triggered to Truth, I will be guiding you through self-awareness and embodiment practices with a nervous system twist.

This self-study course combines attachment theory, shadow work, polyvagal theory, all encompassed within the philosophy you’ve enjoyed so far through Anxious Love Coach.


In the Triggered to Truth self-study course, we will have 4 lectures and 2 embodiment sessions.

Here is what our program will help you with: 

  1. Identifying what’s happening in your body/types of dysregulation

  2. Tools and practices for fight/flight/freeze/fawn

  3. Compassionate self-inquiry + finding pockets of truth

  4. Outer work/integration with the outside world (including your partner)

    Communication, boundaries, embodied values of self and relationship (how to show up in a way you’re proud of and that fosters the growth of yourself and your partner). 

  5. Stretching window of capacity for love/pleasure

Here is what our program is NOT:

  • A place to bring very unique issues that would be better suited for 1:1 coaching. However, I am offering a special 1:1 package for those enrolled in this program. If you’re interested in 1:1 coaching together with this program, please email 

  • For fostering deep connections with others experiencing relationship anxiety. Triggered To Truth is an educational program with embodiment work and some Q+A. 

  • A place for reassurance seeking and finding certainty on your relationship. Instead, you’ll learn to become more comfortable with uncertainty and the inner experience around that. 

What if the fight you keep having (where you’re seemingly speaking totally different languages) wasn’t a sign that you’re incompatible but rather a signal of parts of you that need your loving attention?

What if the immediate tension in your chest when your beloved suggests a romantic getaway wasn’t a sign you need to leave? 

What if, instead of panicking when you feel disappointed, you had the tools to alchemize the moment into deep presence and connection?

I would love to teach you this dance. ;-)


Your Investment


Price includes lifetime access to the course



  1. Is this just more mindfulness and taking deep breaths?

    I think we often hear from society to “just breathe deeply” or “try meditating!” –and the reality is so many people have a physiology that just doesn’t benefit from this approach. My goal is to help you identify your own physiological blueprint, and what it would take to get YOU feeling secure and spacious inside. 

  2. What tools and practices/modalities will this program be using?

    This program is deeply rooted in nervous system education, polyvagal theory, and draws on elements of somatic trauma healing, parts work, shadow work and drama therapy. The practices and information presented in this program are inspired by the lineages of Ashley Turner’s Yoga Psychology, Eckhart Tolle, Sheryl Paul, Peter Levine, Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk , Natalie Kennedy and Stefi Preiss.

  3. Who is this program for?

    This program is for anyone feeling numb, spaced out, disgusted by, irritated by, or avoidant of their romantic partner or loved one. While it isn’t necessary to be in a committed relationship to benefit from this work, we recommend having a relationship in mind to practice applying these tools. It’s also our first program open to men, women and anyone who is gender non-binary! Please note: this program is not helpful for those in emotionally, verbally, physically, financially or psychically abusive partnerships – otherwise this work will be a big gaslight for you. This program assumes an overall culture of respect and safety.

  4. What is Sheridan’s experience in this scope of work? 

    Sheridan has supported hundreds of people navigating relationship anxiety, helping them transform their relationships through healing, empowering and joyful practices. She is a certified yoga therapist and meditation facilitator and pulls from her diverse educational background as well as her personal experiences managing anxiety, uncertainty, grief and trauma while creating her beautiful partnership with her beloved, Andrés.